
a speck of sand...

My voice is just a speck of sand in a vast wasteland
The wind will blow me where it may
Perhaps my voice will get stuck in your eye
And make you pay attention
You will wince in pain
And cry real tears
My voice will affect you

I don't want to cause you pain
I want to enlighten you
If I can

But my voice
my tiny speck of sand
will more than likely be drowned out
by the infinite din
and multitude of voices
You look at them swirl in the wind
And from a distance
They all sound the same
It is all sand
It is all meaningless

And though I yell
I am different
The other specks yell louder
We are all pleading our case
We are all different
None of us is right

My voice is just a speck of sand in a vast wasteland
Aiming for your eye
Just so you will hear me.